Values - It is time to come back to nature
How do we come to the decisions we make?
So – where will the change come from? Science does not seem to be enough to do it, even though it may still be the bastion of objective truth. Change will in fact come from a shift in our values systems. The extent of the shift will be immense, and I wonder what the catalyst will be. It is amusing how as a species we will often to the edge of the cliff before backing away, and I wonder if we may have actually built a viewing deck to extend beyond the cliff’s edge.
I just don't know how to best address these issues – they are greater than the individual or even the group. There needs to be that values shift, and I wonder if the resistance to the shift will be strong enough to impede and even halt its movement. As we enter greater states of stress on our systems, will we find a way forward to positively address them, or will we become even more entrenched in what we know to be safe and familiar. I really wonder if people will rise up to the challenge, or sneak away under their blankets waiting for someone else to make things better.
I know I generally sound like an eternal optimist, always finding the positive potential. I know that we are in for some hard times, and are moving into an area never before experienced. But the feelings of dread come and go, and I need to not dwell on them longer than I need. I think we all need to have that perspective – it will enable us to see the light if we are not always focused on the darkness. Sometime people do not see what is right in front of them until they are told that it is there. If they see the world through the lenses of fear and guilt, then this may be all that they will see. I am an optimist, and know that people can utilize defense mechanisms to deal with the fear and loss related to climate change, rising above it.
Data and facts are not enough – they can be manipulated by either side to their own agendas. So if you can address an issue and make people take notice by bringing forth the emotional attachment such as through art, there may be an avenue to have impact. Quoting Bill Maher from the clip below, “There is no debate here – it is just scientists versus non-scientists. And since the topic is science, the non-scientists don't get a vote.” You would think that is simple enough, but it still has the potential for debate. Propaganda websites promote false information, both for and against climate change realities.
Intrinsic and extrinsic values; people are more than this. Is it an either/or approach, or can we find a way to be inclusive. It seems like a fine idea, to include all perspectives to find a better direction; but does anyone know how to make it happen? And what is the motivation - to find another opportunity to make a buck by appealing to the intrinsic and extrinsic values, convincing people that you have found a new best way forward? It’s almost like being convinced to buy all new Blu-Ray copies of the movies you have on DVD. Even as you look at the numerous realms of environmental work and analysis, many individuals sit firmly in specific camps, and navigating these ideas is difficult, bringing with it confusion and uncertainty
Oh gawd - must we rely on politicians to tread through the muddy waters and find consensus?
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