Well, I’ve succumbed to the pressures of the world. I never really thought that it would happen. I always enjoyed, to a degree, being behind the times in establishing my presence on the web. This is not to say that I am necessarily a Luddite – rather, I always felt that personal homepages and blogs were rather narcissistic. I mean…. What did people feel would be so important that the rest of the world should know their thoughts or happenings. Perhaps I never had anything to say. Now… guess I feel as though I have something to share.
So this is the start of my blog – who knows where it will go. As this is my first entry into the blog world, I gave some thought as to what should be the content… Firstly, a description of me first came to mind. What would be worthwhile to add? What would not? Those that know me know that I live in Calgary. Do those that don’t know me care? So, I’ve decided not to describe myself at this time, and that a portrayal will eventually emerge through ongoing submissions.
I suspect that there will be a certain influence of photography, as it is a new hobby. Likely to contain random thoughts of mine, thoughts of others, and perhaps some thoughts that no one should have. Put together, perhaps they will be thought provoking… or not. Sometimes this world has nothing to offer but dribble.
Maybe there will be ongoing ramblings of occurrences/conspiracies/issues in the world, with simple entries like;
“My brother negotiated 0.002% lower on our joint mortgage than I did… good for him!”
Exciting, no?
Well, it was my first entry… what did anyone expect? Will leave things where they stand now… surely need to something to talk about later…
Welcome to blogging. may it make all your dreams come true...:)
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